About Us
The History of the mooring sevices in Malta dates back to the 1920's and 1930's when the first word war vessels entered in the Grand Harbour at Valletta. During those times our traditional Balklori (rowers) used to row outbound, taking the Pilots to embark outside harbour. Then, they used to make fast their boats to the vessels proceeding inside harbour.
This procedure made way for the new wooden motor boats of the early sixties, whereas in the seventies Halmatic Pilot Launches were introduced and are still operational today.
Proud members of the European Boatmen Association
» Read more about Malta Boatmen & Mooring Services COOP Ltd.
Our Services
Our services mainly include:
- Mooring of vessels
- Unmooring of vessels
- Shifting of vessels
- Jumping crews
- Rough weather stand by crew
- and more...
Are you looking for something different? We may be able to help you!
Please get in touch with us now with your request and we will do our best to help.
Get in Touch
Looking for mooring services in Malta? You're in the right place! Give us a call now or use our contact form to email us directly.